Here at Grace Baptist Church, we aim to Glorify God in all that we do, and a big part of that is accomplished by serving others.
That being said, if you live in the local area and are in need of a ride to church, either for yourself or your children, we would be delighted to pick you up on our bus route.
Every Sunday Morning we go all over the Hinesville area to pick boys and girls, teens and adults so that they can come to church.
If you would like to schedule a pick-up Please fill out the "Church Bus Pick-up Form" below.
Please note that children under the age of six must be accompanied by a parent in order to ride the bus.
Also note that if any child rides the bus without a parent, said parent will be required to fill out a transportation permission form before their child's first pick-up.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.